Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My last post disappeared so just republished it - stupid computers

And just written this post and stupid keys thing happened and text disappeared - one of those days!

Still in alcoholic drink drivers paradise. All the liqour stores in this country have drive through's and sell wine for 50p a litre. Good job I'm not an alcoholic drink driver innit. Temptation would be too great.

Today my boss told me she's sacking me as off tomorrow. Next week is my last in Perth and I was hoping to save money for Sydney. Will now be $500 short. The silly cow went and cancelled my contract with the agency so she could pay me cash in hand for the last 2 weeks, saving herself $450 a week in agency and tax fees. Now she's paranoid she'll get caught and fined. But now she's only given me 1 days notice and not much chance of finding another job. But no hard feelings, she's just doing whats best for her, like what I did in taking the job in the first place. I still think she's a lovely woman. Business is business.

Otherwise last Wednesday had another insomniac night, drank almost a pint of wine to sort my head out and ended up getting drunk, emotional and irrational over a silly little thing.

But life must go on. Friday night went out with friends and had great fun, ended up going to 3 different nightclubs, with 3 different cover charges. Thankfully some bird from Melbourne paid for me. Got home 6am and get woken up 3 hours later to go on a family trip. Ugh! Felt like crap. But ended up spending the day swimming in a fresh water river (no sharks!) which was the best cure for a hangover. Got sunburnt though. Sunday went on another family trip to see the Pinnacles. Was OK. And this week back to work and now its Wednesday already and my last day tomorrow. Already phoning round agencies and asking mates to try and get some work for next week.

Then off to Sydney. Very much looking forward to it, although a lack of money will have me working within a week or two, so no prolongued holiday. But it'll be nice to say bye to family and sort my head out.

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