Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Morning Tea

Pride always comes before a fall. Start job on Tuesday, get ill with flu Wednesday (yesterday). Felt like shit yesterday at work, aching all over, sore throat, hot and cold etc. Get home and veg out, wake up this morning and feel like someone's broken all my bones with a sledgehammer. Have to call in sick, doesn't look good in my first week does it really? Slept all morning, feel slightly better this afternoon. Will go into work tomorrow whatever state I'm in as I need to get my paycheck signed so I can get paid next week! Also if I struggle in ill tomorrow they will realise I'm not faking it and will see that I'm actually ill.

Its a shame as the jobs OK. Cushty admin job. They even have 15 mins break for "morning tea" and "afternoon tea". How civilised! Why doesn't this happen in England anymore?! Our society has become far too money grabbing for its own good!

Right had to struggle out of hotel for breakfast/lunch, thought would pop in and check mail, now off to go back to bed. Mardi Gras parade is in 2 days, and I'll probably miss it, ill in bed - boo hoo.

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