Saturday, May 19, 2007


I'm gonna have a scar on my face I reckon.

Got it in a brave way of course. Defending a woman's honour! These blokes were teasing this woman, grabbed her and started feeling her up, she screamed and whilst everyone just watched I jumped in, punched one in the face, flooring him, the other pulled a knife, I dodged but it scraped over my forehead, and blood began gushing out.......

Yeah right!

I was walking down the street chatting to my friend my head turned sideways so not looking where I was going and suddenly


My forehead smacks into this large metal sign dangling down from a balcony. It didn't hurt anymore than usually when I bang my head and just thought bollox, maybe I'll get a bruise. My hand went automatically to my forehead and when I pulled it away it was covered with blood and blood began gushing out onto the pavement. Shit. And I'm in bloody China too. I immediately pressed my hand hard to my forehead to stop the bloodflow and didn't take my hand away till I got to the hosptial. I was mostly trying not to get blood on my white jumper, which miraculously got no blood over it :-) My friends were panicking and shocked, apparantly it looked pretty bad, my forehead split open. The trouble was at the bottom of this sign was this sharp jagged bit of metal. To be honest its a good thing that I never saw the wound and this is why I remained so cool.

Thankfully a chinese shop keeper came out and led us to a clinic, but they were shit and wouldn't take me in, so the shop keeper took me in a taxi to a hospital up the road bless him. There a nurse stopped the bloodflow and put stuff in to sterilise it (stung a lot) and bandaged up my head. Then gave me antibiotics. When it came to pay it was 36 YUAN (2 pound 50p) - not bad. Service was great, no waiting at all, and praise to for the shop keeper, what a gent.

The first lovely sunny day I've had in China and what do I do first thing in the morning, go and split my bloody forehead open, silly me!!!

But I'm fine, lay in bed for a couple of hours after being bandaged up, then thought I don't walk on my head do I, and its stopped bleeding. So went for a walk around town and stuff but was carefull not to move my head to much or run or anything. And its fine, bandaged up so it's all sweet. The doctor who sorted it said to go to a hospital tomorrow to check it hasn't got infected or anything, but should be fine.

Otherwise actually having a great time. Yesterday a 12 hour bus journey wedged in this tiny cramped seat next to some Tibetan dude. But the scenary was stunning, we drove accross high passes through the snow, saw jagged peaks and deep valleys. Met some cool people and hung out with them in the evening. And have crossed over into Yunnan where its warmer and more touristed so can get menus in English etc. So after roughing it for the last week or so its nice to have a bit of easy travelling.

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